EnvGuide Environmental Information & E-Commerce Platform

EnvGuide is a professional environmental information & e-commerce platform. It is backed by strong support from government and standards agencies including the USEPA, ITA, ASTM, and ITRC. EnvGuide is designed to promote exchanges in environmental knowledge and technology between people in the U.S. and China. This platform also aims to help high-quality US environmental companies to promote their sales in China.
Currently, EnvGuide has listed over hundreds of companies, professional articles, and products.

EnvGuide was established as a bridge of environmental protection between China and the United States with the intent to achieve the following:
Information Business Inter-Operability
Bridge between China and the United States
Customer Manufacturers Connectivity
Online and Offline Communication
EnvGuide Introduction Video
Equipment Exports
Starting in 2019, UCEEF team has been continuing to engage and work on helping US SMEs to export their U.S.-made environment equipment to China. UCEEF team has interviewed and followed up with hundreds of U.S. environmental manufacturers for evaluation of their products to export to China.